Introductory Lesson

February 3, 2010




“A futuristic company designed by management for management.”


“Our aim is to inspire, educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”


“Global intelligence for all, peace, prosperity and abundance.”



We respect your email privacy!

An Introduction and Insight

Sample Lesson

Hello and welcome,

Are you ready for this?

Thank you for allowing me to steal a few moments of your precious time.  I know how hectic the day can get.  None realize it any more than I.  I know some of you may think what I do is aimless or pointless, trust me it’s not.

In the real world it is vital to the future for you, yours and mine.


Instead of taking your time and giving nothing in return, I’d like to offer some simple and free lessons on some essential yet basic skills.  Hone your expertise in what you do and set out to do.
See what happens.

My first suggestion before you get all hyped up about receiving a bunch of so called `junk mail’ is to relax!  Stop!  Value is in your perception.  Valuable free knowledge helps enhance your own status one way or another.  Morally?  Psychologically?  Financially? Happily?  Your choice!

These lessons will eventually become your road map to profit and success.  Become an expert in what you do.  Becoming a top expert at what you do is no easy feat, but it can be done.

I hope you enjoy these free gems on business building basics.  These same principles apply to our daily lives.  They should be implemented
on a daily basis into our mindset.  Set goals and achieve them, we must strategize and plan the map to our success(es).

I find that the shorter the lesson, the more easily we can digest and disseminate the implications we learn from each.  So take what you can from this lesson, utilize the full content and read
between the lines always.  Allow the mind, room for growth!

Have a great fun filled prosperous day!


Anything to say contact me.  I look forward to hearing back from you.
I welcome all feedback or comments.  If you don’t like something in the lesson or wish to dispute something I’ve said say so.


Bonus free lessons @

Relationships/Social Networking

November 20, 2009


“A futuristic company designed by management for management.”


“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”


“Global intelligence for all. peace, prosperity and abundance.”


Hello and welcome,

Once again we bring the Spirit to you.  In Spirit we thank you for your
continued support.  As we progress day by day, we are blessed with good
fortune.  Each day brings new recognition and realization of Spirit and
the role it plays in our lives.

All things are possible and this blog proves that.  The opportunity this
literary venue brings is what is needed to help spread the spirit within.
Spirit is a vital part of today’s marketing and marketplace.  Without it
all would be in vain.

Kindred spirits are akin to relationships and relationships vital to the
infrastructure of network development.  We all know the importance of
forming networks to achieve a greater impact with our message.  Social
networking is an integral factor when developing a solid foundation to
broaden horizons.

Not all of us are online to sell, but to join communities of like minded
individuals.  If selling is your interest, then you are in the right place
at the right time.  There is no better medium available to spread the word
quickly.  We all know the value in community and spirit.

Take that value and enhance it by being of service to others.  Help others
find their way through the complicated mysteries of creating a web presence.
Shine your light/talent so others can see how they may best use their own
talents to contribute to a brighter and more prosperous future for them and
their family and friends.

Have a great fun filled happy and prosperous day!

Richard Yorke




“”So they can have it more abundantly.””



November 9, 2009



“A futuristic company designed by management for management.”


“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”


“Global intelligence for all. peace, prosperity and abundance.”



A Technical Study

Hello and welcome!

Learning technical terms and applications is a must if you want to be
an internet marketer of any class.  The intensity of the materials to
be studied can leave one daunted.  To others, a daunting proposition.
Either you need technical know how or you don’t.

In this technologically based and operated world today, I assume you
need technical knowledge to carry out your plans and map out your
retirement.  Otherwise you wouldn’t be taking time to read this short

Where doesn’t technology touch our lives?  It is in every facet of
infrastructure known to 21st century peoples.  We must accept and
embrace 3.0 and future technologies to survive.  Without it what will
become of the rest who don’t understand what this technical revolution
has bred for workers of the future.

I am left in the dark when it comes to most technical and scientific
data.  It wasn’t a part of life I ever thought would take any role,
let alone such an important role in my future.  But look at me now.
I can’t think of life without all the technical gadgets so
prominently advertised before us each day.

The necessity has been ingrained and now we must either live by it or
live without it.  With jobs today depending solely on computer sciences
and parapsychological nightmares, we must let go of our prehistoric
selves and embrace this new electronic age.

This is a scary subject isn’t it?  Just think what the future holds for
those who thought grade 12 was too much and unnecessary.  Those who have
never graduated or taken post grad studies of any sort.  What’s to become
of the masses?

Surely we can overcome some of the economic crisis facing our countries
today.  With gigantic strides and development in technology, we have the
right tools and knowledge to create, and implemement developmental
strategies.  With GEMS III, we are on our way to fulfilling our duties
in bringing about a turning point in the quest for happiness, peace,
prosperity and environmental abundance for all humanity.

Have a fun filled great and prosperous day!

Richard Yorke



“Take time to reflect and see what details you’ve overlooked in the grand plan you had set for yourself. Did you forget and leave some of the more strategic aspects out along the way?”

PS:  Need inspiration check out previous and future posts.

PPS:  For more information or a full list of the products we

have to offer check our related site(s).

An Alert Attitude

November 8, 2009



“A futuristic company designed by management for management.”


“Our aim is to inspire, educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”


“Global intelligence for all. peace, prosperity and abundance.”


An Alert Attitude

Lesson 1

 Series II 

Hello and welcome,

Attitude is always a good topic for me.  I was always admired for my attitude.  That’s because I’ve always kept an open mind when it came to implementing action and applying simple principles to all projects that my hands could create.  I had ample opportunity in my life to learn about attitude and what it took to be successful.  My background was one of the stricktest disciplines of it’s day.   Tyranasauras Rex?

My upbringing was totally about working your way up from the ground to whatever air you could still breathe when you arrived at the desitination which never seemed to come.  It was just more and more work.  Daily, weekly monthly, yearly and on and on and on.

We won’t dwell there, we’ll cut right to the chase and see why an attitude is all important to accomplishing goals.  The right attitude is necessary in all things naturally progressing.  Progress is what we want you to achieve in all things you do instead of thinking the old way of doing things in such a time consuming way.  Jump right into the broth, the stews a boilin!

As we grow we develop attitudes be they good or bad.  We must choose the right ones.  We choose use and utilize the ones that really make us happy.  It is through happiness that a good job always gets done and done right.  The advantages of having an attitude that pushes or shoves you in the right direction is inherent to your own mini successes.  It takes many mini successes to achieve mass success.

So as you study this short lesson today I want you to consider if your attitude is fully upgraded or getting a little obsolete.  You will need a sharp and cutting edge to make it in today’s world of mass, vast, fast, passing on of wisdom.  Is the wisdom worth the time to pass?  Do you have something important to say and no place to reallly say it?  Your comments are welcome and always read.  So make use of the comment sections of any of our mini comms.

Have a great fun filled prosperous day!

Richard Yorke



For other related sites:


Administrative Business Building Basics

October 1, 2009


Business Building Basics


Lesson 3

Administrative Business Building Basics


 The simplest way to approach business is to implement policy.
Implement complete strategical policies to ensure your success.  It
is simple to draw up these policies and plan your stategies.  The
main goal with these lessons is to teach you the simplistic nature
of administrative business building basics.

 In this lesson you need to take inventory of all tools and
paperwork or whatever else is included in your new business building
basics portfolio
.  Mark down everything.  Everything you do and will
do or has been done, mark down.  Keep all receipts and have a way and
means of efficient record keeping.

Administration is key to any business.  Without proper
administration all business eventually fails.  We are not promoting

 We do promote positive action taken to attain true wealth
building strategies
.  These lessons are little strategy sessions.
The first strategy to organize is your accounting principles.  In
other words bookkeeping.

 Set up the simplest bookkeeping system you can.  Be sure to leave
enough details to track progress.  A simple credit debit two column
account will not suffice.  You need categories and drawers to fit
each category.  A filing system is needed.

Once you have these simple basics in place you will already be
well prepared for the road that lies ahead.  It is an exciting road
which keeps the adrenalin pumping.  This is the entreprenerial spirit
bidding you welcome.

Have a great fun filled and prosperous day!
Richard Yorke




Blogs & other related sites………….


See It Through

September 29, 2009



“A futuristic company designed by management for management.”


“Our aim is to inspire, educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”


“Global intelligence for all. peace, prosperity and abundance.”


The Rules of Priorities

Lesson 1


 See It Through


Hello and welcome,

 When all is said and done, we’ve accomplished nothing if we haven’t taken time to help one another. That’s what it’s all about. That’s all Spirit wants of us. Love one another even when it hurts. Don’t wait and put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Don’t leave words unsaid or deeds undone.

Finish what you start and be sure to bite off only what you can chew. Taking too much on is only going to impede your positive progress of the moment. Interruptions are one of the largest causes of failure. Indecision is the another inhibiting factor to progress. As you sit and relax tonight, take out your small pad, pencil or pen and jot down the priorities you see for tomorrow.

What on that list is the first most important goal of the day?

 IE: 1st Priority

 # 1. Create my first schedule/agenda.

 # 2. List my first set of short term goals.

# 3. Action implemented for first goal.

 # 4. Schedule the activities needed to reach my goals.

 # 5. Start implementation of new schedule to follow daily.

 # 6. Incorporate all my efforts to achieving end results.

 # 7. Create tomorrow’s schedule/goals.

 There are scheduling tasks in daily life, as well as, in all types of business. Those who truly succeed in life, take life very seriously. They use each and every moment to the fullest. This produces powerful positive impetus to your action(s). Action(s) set in motion cause exceptionally positive reaction(s).

The best possible way to use time is scheduling your use of time. Start at one and work your way slowly, thoroughly, through each effectually efficient step you learn, throughout this short e-course. This course will prove to be the most important course you will ever take online in your quest for financial freedom.

So as you ponder this short lesson on the rules of priorities, I hope we’ve instilled a sense of what order is necessary in life, to see projects through to the end. Live each day as if it may be your last. This life only comes round once.

Have a great fun filled prosperous day!

Richard Yorke



For other related sites:


Scheduling In Spirit

September 24, 2009


“A futuristic company designed by management for management.”


“Our aim is to inspire, educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”


“Global intelligence for all. peace, prosperity and abundance.”


Hello and welcome,

Each day brings new and exciting ventures to the fore.  We are set to do each task as it presents itself throughout the day  I am all for scheduling, but know scheduling isn’t always followed to the tee.  To follow a schedule you must draw up that schedule.  Yes you!  Only you know how you can schedule your day to suit your purpose.  Focus is a must.

Scheduling is paramount to success.  Do you have questions in your mind about these facts?  If you do then you have found the proper venue in which to get answers.  GEMZZONE  is all about answering persistent questions that arise daily in our lives.  The inherent components of gemzzone are intended to enlighten, engage and expand freedom and knowledge experiencebrings.  We do invite your comments and queries.  We want you to experience freedom we truly feel so you can benefit yourself, as well as others.

Writing this post is fulfilling to say the least.  It makes the journey through life much more pleasant and pleasurable to proceed.  At peace with yourself and others, makes progress seem less problematic.  So try gleaning the undercurrent of true light shared throughout our media outlets.  You’ll be pleasantly surprised and astounded by the knowledge of those wishing you total success at whatever you choose to do, be or become.

Please continue to check our sites.  There are many, all in different stages of development.  If you wish to learn the ins and outs of  business, stay tuned for more in the near future.  Our first ever product launch is in the works.  It is my free gift to you the readers and supporters of our site(s).  You may not need this product(s) but at least pass the link on to someone you know who does need help.

Progression towards our goals is our main objective for this product.  Be all you can be.  You’ll find yourself totally welcome in our burgeoning community of like minded individuals.  Help others with similar problems.  Help them overcome the obstacles that hinder progress.  Be kind to one another and lean on each other for support.  You’ll find your journey a little easier and less stressful.

Enjoy the new blog!

Have a fun filled great and prosperous day!

Richard Yorke


“Take time to reflect and see what details you’ve overlooked in the grand plan you had set for yourself. Did you forget and leave some of the more strategic aspects out along the way?”

PS:  Need inspiration check out previous and future posts.

PPS:  For information or a full list of products or services we offer check our related site(s).

Dedicated To Ur Success

September 14, 2009



“A futuristic company designed by management for management.”


“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”


“Global intelligence for all, peace, prosperity and abundance.”

Dedicated To Ur Success

Hello and welcome,

As the harvest season approaches we find Spirit favoring
us with plenty.  In harmony with Spirit, mother nature
provides a plentiful harvest for our needs.  In other
parts of the world this may not be true.
It’s an economical fact we as a giving culture share our
abundance with other parts of the world.  Sharing that
abundance is what spirit is all about.  Helping others
by sharing is what spirit is all about.
It is our nature to share.  It is our duty to share.  It’s
our prime objective to share and educate others in various
parts of the world.  With education and help from those who
have, others can benefit from the generosity of Spirit.
Stand strong in your beliefs and steadfast in your stance
to provide others with the abundance you are so fortunate
to enjoy.  It is through efforts on behalf of all who wish
to help others, that we will reach our goal of peace.
When others can see, hear, feel, taste and experience the
generosity of spirt we share, they start to trust and
enjoy the fruits of their own efforts.  So in kindness and
in health, share yourself with others in need and enjoy the
Spirit, as it moves throughout the world blessing all nations.

Have a fun filled great and prosperous day!

Richard Yorke



“Take time to reflect and see what details you’ve overlooked in the grand plan you had set for yourself. Did you forget and leave some of the more strategic aspects out along the way?”

PS:  Need inspiration check out previous and future posts.

PPS:  For more information or a full list of the products we

have to offer check our related site(s).

Faith In Spirit Technology

September 1, 2009



“A futuristic company designed by management for management.”


“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”


“Global intelligence for all. peace, prosperity and abundance.”

Faith In Spirit Technology 

Hello and welcome,

Faith in Spirit is key to dwelling in Spirit.  Dwelling in Spirit is key to health prosperity and abundance.   We live to serve Spirit with all our heart and soul.  We give generously of our spirit and the gifts that the Spirit bestows upon us.  Through serving the Spirit in complete compliance with laws of Spirit and will of Spirit, we will accomplish our task.  The Spirit invites and welcomes all who share tasks of spirit and generosity towards global equity and equality.

As we grow in spirit and generosity let’s not forget our obligations to others who need our guidance, as well as the Spirit guide.  It takes teamwork to employ spirit and tenacity in all who take on this work .  The workload is heavy and the audience vast and geographically scattered.  To spread the word of Spirit by working together as teams, we will make actual impact.  Join forces to succeed in bringing about peace prosperity and abundance to this magnificent world we so graciously have stewardship of.

Are you willing to make the commitment?  Do you have what it takes to fulfill your potential?  Would you like to live a life of prosperity and abundance?  Do you want peace in your life?  Then do something about it now!  Take action and apply yourself today!  Immediately!  Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.  That’s why so many fail in their attempt to succeed.  They accept defeat too easily.  Expel defeat from your vocabulary today and join us in our concerted effort to bring about change.

Help us continue the process we’ve already started.  Many more join us each day to help where they can.  There are so many ways you can help.  Share your spirit and steadfastness with others.  Compel them to utilize their talents as well.  Keep Spirit Alive and Well.  Wellness is health and health is happiness and spirit.   Prosperity is wealth and abundance for you as well.

If you wish to join our efforts or even wish to learn more about our program, we urge you to waste no time in signing up now for top positioning.  We are a burgeoning force to be reckoned with already.  We welcome all new comers to our ranks.  Soldiers of Spirit we are and will remain.  Soldiers of fortune we become in faith and spirit.  Do not miss your opportunity to join a progressively growing organization in which you to can play a very important role and build a career for yourself at the same time.

Act today by showing your support by visiting and leaving comments or links at any or all of our brother and sister sites intricately weaved throughout the world wide web.  As we grow in size, power and prosperity.  Sharing  ourselves with each other and sharing the workload can make all burdens light and easier to bear.  Problems are solved and disappear within our organization.  Start now!  Become one of the originating founders of what is one of the fastest and most likely organizations to succeed in the quest for peace, prosperity and abundance on this wonderful planet.

With such a big project at hand, we the publishers of “The Spirit Newsletter” invite you to join us, in our global efforts to spread lovingkindness and generosity pulling together in Spirit brings.  Sharing of such potentially powerful projects, enables us to begin the process of creating omnipotent energy.  That energy will powerfully proliferate production and maximize the impact we have as a culture.
Have a fun filled great and prosperous day!

Richard Yorke


“Take time to reflect and see what details you’ve overlooked in the grand plan you had set for yourself. Did you forget and leave some of the more strategic aspects out along the way?”

PS:  Need inspiration check out previous and future posts.
PPS:  For more information or a full list of the products we

have to offer check our related site(s).

Business Building Basics

August 25, 2009



“A futuristic company designed by management for management.”


“Our aim is to inspire and educate and relate to each other in
the quest for peace on Earth.”


“Global intelligence for all. peace, prosperity and abundance.”

Business Building Basics

Hello and welcome,

Getting back to basics is always the first step in organization.  Administration in organization is also key.  When we set about to organize and build our foundation, we must utilize strategic orientation.  A scientific approach is needed to set and chronicle our positioning of each well laid stone.  The cornerstone of all efforts is one of prioritizing responsibilities in organizational abilities.

A simple process is neeeded to prioritize.  Using either alphabetical order or chronological order, we first establish our cement.  Completing the action necessary to implement the principles involved will form the catalyst needed to harden our resolve.  The ingredients of success are implemented in the collection, comprehension  and collation of our marketing research efforts.  This forms the cornerstone of our foundation and is complete only when efficiently employed.

Business building basics is intended to give entrepreneurs a sense of confidence in building a rock solid foundation for their own business(es).  If one follows the simple rules above for laying the proper groudwork first, they will succeed in building the rest of their business(es) one business building block at a time.  Business thrives on precise drafting of basic principles.

When brainstorming your business plan or ideas, always utilize an organized mentality.  Get your facts and figures straight before pursuing further advancement.  Double check all stones, brick or mortar to see that all has set according to the processes applied.  The cataclysmic content of your business will set the pace for future endeavors and pave the road to success to insure a safe, smooth ride to financial freedom.

Before we can lay the template, we must have the footing secured.  This is what following the simple business building basics is all about.  We want you to succeed as our success depends on yours.  Our purpose is to help you achieve success in the solid business building basics course we’ve prepared.  Many years and hours of research went into our studies and strategic business building  basics course.

We hope you comprehend all that is being taught.  It never hurts to read between the lines to grasp the full meaning and intent of each lesson.  As you progress and your course becomes clear, you will realize the imperative value in the material we cover.  Having this course in your arsenal will absolutely enhance your chances for success at every level of life, business and pleasure.

Have a fun filled great and prosperous day!

Richard Yorke


“Take time to reflect and see what details you’ve overlooked in the grand plan you had set for yourself. Did you forget and leave some of the more strategic aspects out along the way?”

PS:  Need inspiration check out previous and future posts.
PPS:  For more information or a full list of info products, programs or services we have to offer check related site(s).